Antwerp: the place countless international giants call home
The reason why Antwerp's creative agencies are welcomed all over the world
1 minute reading time
Various internationally renowned creative agencies—such as interior design company Serax—choose to keep their headquarters in Antwerp to explore the visionary atmosphere, the large network of creative people and the urban diversity and stimulation. However this doesn’t keep Serax from working with international superstars from Portugal to Vietnam.

The appeal and creative possibilities of Antwerp’s metropolis resound far beyond our national borders. That’s why our creative agencies are welcomed from Hong Kong to Paris to New York.

The Belgian quality embodied by bag companies Hedgren and Kipling and children’s furniture manufacturer Childhome resonate abroad. Playing card company Cartamundi, kitchenware manufacturer Berghoff and office furniture company Bulo remain loyal to the province, despite their increasing international fame.